Yes, I know it's been way too long since I've updated this blog. Either I'm slowing down or life is speeding up. We've had a great year in the Johnson family. I've already mentioned in earlier posts about the engagement, graduation, wedding, family vacation. Those have been some great highlights. The past few months have been filled with happiness and some tears as Chad left on his mission to serve the Lord in Tulsa Oklahoma. We got to talk to him on Christmas and he is doing great. He is so busy, already had a baptism and due for 2 more in January. With Chad leaving it meant that Todd and I became "empty nesters" It has definitely been an adjustment to say the least. We've had to adjust to having more time with each other, too much food in the house ( Chad was hungry alot !) and trying to go back to cooking for two. I love Todd so much and I am so grateful for him. He is very understanding when I want to have "me time" and just go scrapbooking or something and I understand when he wants to go fishing or horseback riding--something that I don't really care to do. We agree that we each have things we enjoy separatley and things we do together. Life is Good and we'll see what exciting things 2010 will bring.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Another year gone by way too fast !
Yes, I know it's been way too long since I've updated this blog. Either I'm slowing down or life is speeding up. We've had a great year in the Johnson family. I've already mentioned in earlier posts about the engagement, graduation, wedding, family vacation. Those have been some great highlights. The past few months have been filled with happiness and some tears as Chad left on his mission to serve the Lord in Tulsa Oklahoma. We got to talk to him on Christmas and he is doing great. He is so busy, already had a baptism and due for 2 more in January. With Chad leaving it meant that Todd and I became "empty nesters" It has definitely been an adjustment to say the least. We've had to adjust to having more time with each other, too much food in the house ( Chad was hungry alot !) and trying to go back to cooking for two. I love Todd so much and I am so grateful for him. He is very understanding when I want to have "me time" and just go scrapbooking or something and I understand when he wants to go fishing or horseback riding--something that I don't really care to do. We agree that we each have things we enjoy separatley and things we do together. Life is Good and we'll see what exciting things 2010 will bring.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Summer Vacation
Ryan says "WOW" as Old Faithful erupts.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Summer of fun

Friday, May 8, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
This is Life...and then some.
Right after Melissa's engagement we had another "emotional" thing happen in our family. Todd was realeasd as Bishop of the BYU 98th ward. He had been Bishop for 2 1/2 years and he was the high councilman for that ward for 3 years before that. It was bittersweet to say the least. Part of me was happy to have him back in our home ward and part of me was so sad to see him leave a place that he loves, to see him leave the families that he has grown to love. When you are a BYU bishop it's harder to leave, because once you walk out the door you may never see any of those students again. It's now been over a month and it's been extremely hard on him. He has had so much stress and anxiety over this, mostly because of a certain family in the ward that he had been working hard with. I won't bring up any names or details. Just know that he talked with the new Bishop about the situation and they both felt that it would be good for us to continue talking to them and hopefully help them through a difficult time. It has been hard--on both of us. He even asked our home ward bishop to give him a blessing. I know it's hard on him coming back to the home ward. He feels like he's new in the ward. There have been several new families move in. I know he'll be fine but it's so hard to see him go through this. I'm the one who has always been the one to lean on him-now he needs me to lean on and I don't know if I'm strong enough. I love him so much and I will be here for him. That's what eternal marriage is all about-Right? I am thankful that we have each other through difficult times. I pray that we will learn and grow from this experience. I know we will !
Friday, January 2, 2009
Melissa is engaged!

Monday, December 15, 2008
And Time Marches on...
Happy Birthday Todd !
Where does the time go, I'll never know. November seemed to fly by. Todd and I celebrated our 26th anniversary. Todd had his 47th birthday, and we enjoyed Thanksgiving at my sister's house the Sunday before and had a quiet Thanksgiving day with just our immediate family.
Kaylie on Thanksgiving day-She is getting so big and she's so CUTE !
Ryan can't wait to eat that big bird !
Melissa turned 20 on Dec. 6th and we had a fun morning with her. Since everyone has become so busy, we had the whole family over for breakfast. Tyler brought her a dozen red roses which she was thrilled about.
Ryan just got a job at the Mens Wearhouse. Now everyone in the family ( except me) has worked there. Here is a great picture of Todd and Ryan in the tuxes for the Mens Wearhouse holiday party.
Chad has become quite the singer, he and 5 friends have started an accapella singing group at school called " Guys in Ties" Mrs. Warby calls them the newest boy band. They are really good.
"Guys in Ties"
Life is good here at the Johnson's . Here's wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas!